Sunday, June 15, 2014

Are your feet ready for summer?

Are they ready to be seen in sandals and flip flops? Get your feet summer ready with great Foot Works products!  Your feet can be ship shape and sandal ready.  

Foot Works Intensive Callus Cream (#882-633)
works very well to get rid of those nasty callus' that keep you from those cute sandals.  

Foot odor can also be a problem this time of year when feet get sweaty.  Foot Works Healthy Deodorizing Foot Powder (#888-923)
keeps that nasty odor away and has wetness protection that lasts for 24 hours so you can be confident in your flip flops!

I love the Foot Works Healthy Arthritis Achy Foot & Muscle Cream (#882-629)
after all day on my feet. It's very soothing and helps my feet relax. Using before bed helps keep my foot cramps at bay. 

Before leaving for work I also love Foot Works Beautiful Sole Support Cushion Cream (#268-293)
I must admit I was skeptical at first but wanted to try this product out. It really makes a big difference for me. As most of you know, I stand and walk on the hard store floor all day long. Days when I use this cream are significantly better than those where I forget. My feet aren't nearly as tired at the end of the day and are better throughout the day as well.   This is one of those products I cannot be without on a daily basis.

I highly recommend these products, especially if you are on your feet all day. Best of all, right now the Foot Works products are on sale 2 for $5.99! Take advantage of this great sale today! Go to: to pick up these great products for your feet and check out the others in the Foot Works line.  You'll be glad you did!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Looking for help

I am working hard to reach my next goal but could use a little help. If you love Avon and want to get a discount on your products, consider becoming a helper.  I provide you with books and samples, you show them to your family and friends and get orders.  Bring them to me and you get a discount on your order!  The more orders you get, the bigger the discount!  Contact me to get started!

Friday, June 6, 2014

New business materials coming...

Just ordered some new business cards from Vistaprint.  These new cards include QR codes for joining my team as well as shopping my store plus a loyalty program!  Can't wait to get them and share them with... everyone!

Let me know what you think.  The back contains the QR code for shopping and the loyalty program information.  Couldn't get a copy of that, sorry.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Avon skin care is amazing!

Since turning 50 last year, my skin has become more important as well as my skin care regime.  Avon's skin care products are the most innovative on the market.  With all the options Avon offers in skin care, there truly is something for everybody as well as every skin care problem from adolescent acne to dark age spots.  Shop my AVON store!: now to check which skin care regime is right for you.  With Avon's prices, you can't beat it!

As always, I'm always here to answer any questions you have concerning skin care or any Avon products.